
  • Startup Founders’ Superpowers

    Remember the story behind Spiderman? Peter Parker is a regular guy, until a radio-active spider bites him. Now he can climb walls, he is stronger than any human and can even see well without glasses. He's super-human. Well, in the startup world founders are a little like that. If you want to keep the analogy, you may say founders got bitten by the startup-bug (not radioactive, usually) and now they have super-powers.

  • What Will Your Startup Look Like When It Grows Up

    One thing that many startup founders worry about, is what the startup will look like when it "grows up". Steve Jobs was obsessively concerned that Apple will end up looking like 'IBM'. Like him, many founders look at the established startups in envy: Facebooks looks a lot like Mark Zuckerberg; Amazon looks a lot like Jeff Bezos; Google is the image of Larry and Sergey; Microsoft is still very much in the image of Bill Gates; and the list goes on. How can we make sure our startup grows up with the right culture, behavior and characteristics?