
  • Know Why You Are Doing It

    Twitter is a big company. They have over 2,000 employees, more than $300 Million is annual revenues and 500 Million users (one of every 14 people in the world, including babies!). Nobody can deny that twitter is a successful company. They have also recently moved their headquarters into their own building in San Francisco. What can we learn here?

  • Startup Founders’ Superpowers

    Remember the story behind Spiderman? Peter Parker is a regular guy, until a radio-active spider bites him. Now he can climb walls, he is stronger than any human and can even see well without glasses. He's super-human. Well, in the startup world founders are a little like that. If you want to keep the analogy, you may say founders got bitten by the startup-bug (not radioactive, usually) and now they have super-powers.

  • What are you measuring?

    There's a funny thing about running a company. Regardless of what the advertised "goals" of the company are, the employees know what the real goals are. In fact, it's a lot like a ship: the ship goes where the Captain turns to, not to where the Captain says he is going to.